- Sirenë e jashtme pa kablla, nuk ka nevoj për furnizim
- Antisabotazhe e pajisur me 2 tamper ndërprerësa
- Sirena piezo 100db/m
- Shtëpizë prej polikarbonati PC/ABS e mbrojtur prej rrezeve UV
- Elektronike e mbështjellur me silikon
- Punon në temp. (-25)-(+55)C
- Bateri "C" 3x1.5V alkaline inkluzive
- Kompatabile me seritë MG/SP përmes modulit RTX3 V1.5
- Fusha funksionimit 70m
- Dimensionet 13.4cm x 21.17cm x 5.1cm
- Ngjyrë e kuqe
Compatible with MG/SP Series V4.0 or higher (except SP4000) when using an RTX3 V1.5 or higher as well as with MG6250 v3.0 and higher
Battery operated (3 "C" alkaline batteries) Weather-resistant design with UV protection
2-way, fully supervised communication with the control panel
100dB Piezo siren
Separate alarm notifications for intrusion and fire
Dual-tamper detection (cover and wall)
Squawk functionality
Wireless range in a typical residential environment: Up to 70m (230 ft)
Strobe lens available in 3 colors (red, blue, and amber)
Fully powered using three 1.5 Vdc type "C" alkaline batteries (included)
Signal strength/RF transmission and status LED
Operating temperature: -25ºC to 55ºC (-13ºF to 131ºF)
RF frequency: 433MHz or 868MHz
Dimensions: 13.4cm x 21.17cm x 5.1cm (5.29in x 8.34in x 2.01 in)